Chocolate Pairings
Discover our section dedicated to chocolate pairings and immerse yourself in many new flavour combinations!
Chocolate and tea pairings
Chocolate and tea are a perfect match. But what's the best type of tea for each kind of chocolate?
Chocolate and beer pairings
Combinations that seem impossible often turn out to be incredible, and this is one of those!
Chocolate and coffee pairings
Coffee and chocolate, a truly special winning combo in every sense, especially flavour.
Chocolate & Spices: best pairings
The Food of the Gods and spices, a combination that has been around since the dawn of time and that will sure surprise you!
3 Chocolate and meat pairings
Gourmet ideas for chocolate-and-meat dishes you can make for special occasions, or just to bring something new to your everyday routine.
Chocolate and wine pairing
The wide varieties of wine and chocolate can make pairing them tricky business. Hopefully, Venchi's blog makes it easier.